Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Mirror Touch"

"MILLER: This condition is called mirror-touch synesthesia.
BANISSY: Mirror-touch synesthesia.
MILLER: 'Cause, you know, synesthesia is when your senses get crossed. And here, their touch system is crossed with their visual system.
BANISSY: If people, for example, see me, let's say, touching an ice cube or something like that, they'll say they'll get a sensation in their fingertip of coldness.
MILLER: And Banissy says mirror-touch isn't just about physical feelings. They seem to contract people's feelingsy feelings.
BANISSY: Emotions. So for example, if you see somebody upset, and you feel upset in response to that. And it's in this type of empathy that we find that mirror-touch synesthetes differ to non-synesthetes. They have higher levels of this."

I have this total love-hate relationship with this show so far, but this story was very good and sort of beautiful and fascinating and enlightening. 

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