Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Leigh Anne Tuohy, Racism, and the White Saviour Complex"

"Another white woman, one Leigh Anne “I Adopted A Black Boy So I Can’t Possibly Be Racist” Tuohy, decides that White Lady #1 is wrong. Which is actually the correct assumption for Ms. Tuohy to make, so I guess this is where some people are getting confused because we see that her intent is good, and that makes us want to believe that the action that follows will also be good. She’s at a crossroad here – two roads diverged, etc. Had she taken the road less travelled, Ms. Tuohy might have said to her friend, “Wow, you’re being really racist right now! I’m not comfortable with how this conversation is going.” Instead, she decided to confront the teenagers who, as a reminder, have done absolutely nothing wrong."

I want to quote all of this, and make a bunch of people read this (for example, a sibling of a friend of mine has been traveling through a South Asian country and posted a picture of a man like he was a decorative symbol of the whole experience - sort of the way I post pictures of my food when I travel) 
Some people don't really get to exist in the world without occasionally being scooped into someone else's narrative, and becoming their momentary props.
This is sort of like when rando dudes think they are doing me a favor by telling me that I am attractive, and make me an emotional prop for their shitty morning commute when I am just trying to also have a morning commmute.

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