Saturday, May 7, 2016

"'I Am Becky With the Good Hair'"

"Will we ever be happy? Will we ever find the sort of love we deserve? Or will we find ourselves taking Louisville Sluggers to our lives, demolishing everything in our wake, hurting others because we too are hurt? Will we accept our pain as actuality and choose it over our own betterment simply because we don’t want to be alone or appear to have failed? Will the world ever accept allour cries and not just the ones of pop icons who blur the lines between reality and entertainment? How much Lemonade do we have to drink to be as passively aggressive as Beyoncé? How much do we have to drink to accept infidelity and marry men who remind us of our cheating, lying fathers? How much do we have to drink to stay? Whether you are a Becky, a BeyoncĂ©, neither or both, how much is enough and when do we just leave?"

Reflections on this moment in pop culture and politics - This is such a different conversation from the conversation about gender that I was promised growing up. This is so much more full and honest.

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