Thursday, May 12, 2016

"Boaty McBoatface: tyrants have crushed the people’s will"

"Boaty McBoatface is dead. The government killed him.

Actually, that’s an exaggeration. The government has strongly hinted that it’s about to kill Boaty McBoatface, for it understands that vanquished hope is a more powerful tool than relentless despair. Present the people with an idol, then smash it before their eyes. Soon they will learn that resistance is futile, and the state’s power is absolute...

So, it’s a bad idea. So what? People vote for bad ideas all the time. Look at the defeated alternative vote referendum in 2011. Look at every single simperingly anonymous reality show winner, hoisted to victory by an army of inert television viewers who think the height of fun is clapping along with a theme tune.

Look, for the love of God, at Johnson’s brother, Boris. Boris Johnson is a terrible idea. He’s a egotistical twit in a child-sized Sia wig who keeps filling London with insane foreign-owned monuments to his own genitals, but people keep voting for him anyway. Nobody stepped in after the last election to tell everyone to stop being so silly. Nobody overrode the results and installed a more sensible mayor. It didn’t happen then, and it shouldn’t happen now.

Jo Johnson should be proud of Boaty McBoatface. It’s a symbol of a small and very British rebellion; the sort of thing that sets us apart from the rest of the world. Boaty McBoatface would have been trampled by the might of the state had it been suggested in mainland Europe, while the gonzo patriotism of the US would have left the poll only containing options that sounded like Bruce Springsteen albums – Soaring Eagle or Thunder Avenue. Here, though, it was left to thrive."

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