Friday, August 7, 2015

"What Kind of Person Would Vote For Donald Trump? These People."

"I met an old couple wearing matching Trump t-shirts, which they told me they wore every day. “I haven’t had one bad comment on it,” said the wife. I met a man named Wayne who voted for Obama twice but was now firmly in Trump’s corner. I met ANOTHER man named Wayne who walked me carefully through his five-point rationale for why Trump was the best candidate. (Voters often show up at these rallies with little stump speeches of their own.) I met a woman named Jill who showed up with several hand-drawn signs. (My favorite was “Beltway Talks; Trump Works.”) Jill was fired the fuck up for some Trump in her life. I don’t know how it’s possible to be so fired up with the election so far away, but Jill was blazing. She wanted to make sure the whole world knew that Trump and his voters were for real...

Now, here is how Donald Trump says he will Make America Great Again™. In Trump’s worldview, politics is little more than series of deals to be made. Every complex global problem, or intractable adversary, can be tamed with sufficiently hard-ass steakhouse dealmaking...

Sending a vicious, crude, unhappy person who treats everyone badly to go yell FUCK YOU at the Chinese strikes me as unwise.

But Trump is so certain, so supremely confident, that everyone at his rallies go for the idea anyway. It comes off as an act of counterintuitive genius. What’s not to like about the idea that you can fix everything by just marching into Washington and yelling at all the dummies to stop being dummies? I wish politics were that simple. I really do. Politics should be that simple. Trump’s gift is that he really can make it sound that easy, even when it’s all a huge lie. His swagger is your swagger. He can reduce entire countries down to a cardboard persona. He’ll get tough with Mexico. He’ll have Carl take China. The way Trump explains it, you’d think China had only one person in it."

I think I've decided that, after this article, I'm not going to read anything else about Donald Trump. He doesn't deserve my knowledge of him - and I don't really gain insight into the world by having knowledge of him.

Also, this article is okay but describes everyone as white trash at one point and that felt super unnecessary... Like, I don't know, can writing about Trump avoid being, itself, a little sleezy? This might be another good reason to avoid it.

Although I get the sense that the author of this piece had an intense and semi-confusing experience and reaction to Trump. Like, this is written by a person who is trying to unpack some internal hypocrisies. That moment where you feel-believe something you don't think-believe.

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