Monday, August 24, 2015

"Online And In Person, Bernie Sanders’ White Supporters Advance A Black Lives Matter Conspiracy"

"The basic mythology is that someone — maybe frontrunner Hillary Clinton, maybe the Republicans, maybe her billionaire backers, maybe even the FBI — is using Black Lives Matter to tear Sanders down, to diminish an insurgent candidacy that, the supporters say, is viewed as a real threat by the establishment.

On a flight from San Francisco to Phoenix recently, for instance, a young, white, male Sanders supporter noticed the reporter sitting next to him was writing about Sanders and, unprompted, started talking about information dug up on Marissa Johnson, one of the young black women who took the stage at the Seattle Social Security event. He noted online sleuths on Reddit had discovered the woman had posted about being an evangelical Christian and a Sarah Palin supporter on Facebook years earlier. Subterfuge, he said. She’s not the real deal. Something’s afoot...

“It was definitely from a Sanders-supporting camp of people specifically treating the action as targeting Bernie Sanders, which it wasn’t, and specifically orchestrated by somebody else — as though we don’t have the autonomy,” Tia Oso, one of the protesters who interrupted the Netroots candidate forum, told BuzzFeed News on Thursday. “Almost like Black Lives Matter is not a real movement.”...

The women who took the stage in Seattle, Marissa Johnson and Mara Willaford, say they’re very aware many Sanders supporters think they were sent to harass Bernie by one of his opponents.
“My first response to this was, ‘Bitch better have my money!’” Johnson joked, when asked about the conspiracy theories swirling that Clinton was behind the protests, to the hosts of the This Week In Blackness podcast the day after the Seattle action. “Yes, please, give me that money, I’ll expropriate those funds back to the ‘hood, let’s do it. Hillary, this is a call out: If Hillary wants to give me some money, please do.”"

I really enjoyed this article, this is such a fantastic joke of a moment. Come now

FB: yesssssss

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