Saturday, March 28, 2015

"The Unbearable Whiteness Of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt—Tina Fey's Racist New Show"

"I've never seen a show with such a diverse cast that was written so obviously and exclusively for privileged white people...
These characters could have been something. They could have been rich, surprising, and very very funny. But they aren't. Instead, these characters are accessories that this show about a young, pretty white woman wears like a colorful scarf. As Kimmy grows into a strong, capable woman, the characters of color around her devolve further into caricature. If there's one thing this show makes clear, it's that a white woman can live underground for 15 years and when she emerges she'll still be white. And that's really all you need to make it in this world."

I really agree with this. It's sort of like all the moments I was uncomfortable with in 30 Rock pushed together into one show. I enjoyed the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt sometimes, I sometimes found it funny and interesting, but it made me just a little uncomfortable all of the time. I am very confident that I would not get along well with many of the writers.

The show was often intentionally racist in order to make a commentary about the racism, and mock the racism as a way to reduce it in viewers - but, sometimes, it didn't quite finish the joke, so it was just racist. Like the thing where it is offhandedly mentioned that one white character accidentally shot her black husband "because it was the 70s and a black man was trying to get into my bed in the dark". Just - not funny, unless you identify with the fear of black men and think 'Ya, I could see myself doing that!' in which case, I don't want to be watching the same show that you are.

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