Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The 5 Biases Pushing Women Out of STEM"

"My own new research, co-authored with Kathrine W. Phillips and Erika V. Hall, also indicates that bias, not pipeline issues or personal choices, pushes women out of science – and that bias plays out differently depending on a woman’s race or ethnicity...
My previous research has shown that there are four major patterns of bias women face at work. This new study emphasizes that women of color experience these to different degrees, and in different ways. Black women also face a fifth type of bias...
after her department chair angrily told her, “don’t talk to me like that” she felt she had to “put cotton candy in my mouth.” She now does a lot of deferring, framing her requests as, “I can’t do this without your help.” She explains, “I had to put him in that masculine, ‘I’ll take care of it role’ and I had to take the feminine ‘I need you to help me, I need to be saved’ role.’”...
Studies show that women who have encountered discrimination early in their careers often distance themselves from other women...
“You don’t know who you can trust,” said a biologist. “This has been a very lonely life.”"

There is so much in here. And that catering to a man's masculinity in order to get his help is very real. Sometimes people aren't going to pay attention to you as their peer, but they will pay attention to a lady.

And the thing at the end about not wanting to divulge personal information, and how white people sometimes just don't engage with people of color because of an anxiety about being racist (which, for the record, is not the same thing as not being racist).

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