Friday, November 6, 2015

"Science still seen as male profession, according to international study of gender bias"

"Researchers have found that people in some countries are much more likely to view science as a male profession, with the Netherlands coming in at the top of the list. Regardless of location, though, the stereotype persists that science is for men. 

“Stereotypes associating science with men are found across the world, even in supposedly gender-equal nations,” says the study’s lead author, David Miller, a psychologist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois...

Both the explicit and implicit biases correlated with the percentage of female undergraduates majoring in science in that person’s country...

The huge unanswered question is why? It could be that beliefs about the role of women in science change as more women enter science, that more women enter science when these beliefs change, or a combination. Miller thinks it’s more likely that increased female representation in science influences beliefs rather than the other way around. Schmader, though, thinks the effect likely goes in both directions. "

Related: Who looks like a scientist

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