Friday, October 7, 2016

"Woman Creates Genius Flowchart To Shut Down Mansplainers"

"Armageddon told The Huffington Post that she was inspired to create the image after a man felt the need to explain the difference between ascending and descending street numbers to her.
Two days after her encounter with the man who attempted to explain street addresses to her, Armageddon drew her flowchart and tweeted the image. The tweet quickly took off receiving over 1,500 retweets and dozens of mentions...
In an ironic twist of events, as soon as Armageddon tweeted the image  men on Twitter started explaining (read: mansplaining) Armageddon's flowchart to her.
"I have no idea why men, specifically, feel 'targeted' or 'attacked' by it, and assertions that it is 'sexist' are fascinating (and laughable)," Armageddon told HuffPost. "...But it has certainly been my experience that when you say 'here's a tool to help you not be an asshole,' people who display the behavior illustrated often get very defensive.""

Related: men explain things to me Tumblr

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