Thursday, June 22, 2017

"Should you take Tylenol, Advil, or aspirin for pain? Here's what the evidence says."

"I was surprised when I found out there's a huge gap between how pain researchers think about this drug and how the public does. More specifically, every researcher I contacted for this piece said some variation of what Andrew Moore, a pain researcher at Oxford University, told me: Tylenol doesn't actually work that well for pain. To be more exact, "I can't imagine why anybody would take acetaminophen," he said...

Ibuprofen seems to work best, followed by acetaminophen, and then aspirin...

Aspirin is safer than acetaminophen, though to be used as a pain reliever it requires much higher doses — which can have side effects like stomach upset. Aspirin also interferes with blood coagulation for days after taking it...

Ibuprofen doesn't have these two problems — it's less toxic than the others in the doses that give people pain relief. But it has other side effects. "Ibuprofen puts people at risk of bleeds in the gastrointestinal tract and kidney damage — so it's not free of risk," said Brune. Using it in high doses also seems to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke"


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