Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"5 Days That Left a Confederate Flag Wavering, and Likely to Fall"

"The stunningly quick collapse of support for the Confederate flag has been told largely through the public pronouncements of one governor, Nikki R. Haley of South Carolina, who persuaded the legislature to reconsider the flag’s prominent perch on the capitol grounds. But behind the scenes, powerful forces — capitalism, Christianity, social media, college sports and a Republican Party eager to extricate itself from the past — were converging. Within five days, decades of resistance in South Carolina, a state that had held fiercely to its Confederate identity, fell away...

Ta-Nehisi Coates, a national correspondent for The Atlantic who called for the flag’s removal in a series of searing Twitter posts, said the Black Lives Matter movement had created a rapid-response infrastructure that, soon after it was deployed, forced the entire country to confront the morality of the 154-year-old flag...

South Carolina’s corporate titans have long held a simple view of the Confederate flag: It was terrible for business... The chairman of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, an old friend of Ms. Haley’s named Mikee Johnson, polled his 56 board members about the future of the flag. Everyone who responded was of the same opinion. He called Ms. Haley and told her: If she was ready to bring down the Confederate banner, they were behind her."

I guess this is how change happens.

Also though, the stories we tell.

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