Saturday, March 11, 2017

"Why Mass. should defect from its time zone"

"A look at the map suggests we’re currently in the wrong time zone entirely. Boston lies so far east in the Eastern Time Zone that during standard time, our earliest nightfall of the year is a mere 27 minutes later than in Anchorage. When it comes to daylight, we can do much better than Alaska.

Fortunately for us, there’s already a time zone one hour ahead of Eastern: the Atlantic Time Zone.

Switching to Atlantic Standard Time—essentially, keeping the clock an hour forward all year—wouldn’t be nearly as radical a change as it sounds. As it is, we’re actually only on Eastern Standard Time for about four months per year, from early November until early March. In the spring, summer, and early fall we’re on Eastern Daylight Time, which is the same as AST.

The strongest lobby against full-year daylight time has traditionally been farmers. If you’re an early riser, it makes sense that you wouldn’t want the sun to rise only at 8:14 a.m., which would be the reality in the depths of winter if we switched to AST. On the other hand, it makes little sense for farmers’ needs to shape policy in the highly urbanized Northeast, and for a majority of people, it might be better to have the extra hour of light in the afternoon.

For Boston, particularly, keeping the clock turned forward could have some unexpected benefits."

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