"As beings that crave social connection, we are all greatly influenced by the mindsets of the people in our immediate surroundings. A pacifist quickly becomes violent beyond reason when placed in a maximum security prison, the self-preservation instinct we’re all born possessing necessitating that transformation.
A black person placed in a gated white community quickly becomes so accustomed to being coddled and praised by the white gaze that they completely detach from the collective black reality. They are transported from a life of bearing the full brunt of whiteness to suddenly being lulled into a false sense of security by a constant bombardment of facetious adulation. As long as they play their role, they are placed on pedestals by their white socioeconomic peers, told they are one of the few Good Negroes. Over time, the black person starts to believe in these white lies, one after the other. They get an ego boost from being constantly praised for their ability to work their way out of generational poverty by sheer power of determination alone...
This black doesn’t see color anymore, especially the color of his own skin. Pretending not to see the melanin that covers every inch of your epidermis must be all-consuming. Hell.
In order to avoid this ghastliest of fates, this living hell on earth, one must take some necessary precautions while embarking down the road to material riches"
Hey, it's my childhood.
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