Friday, May 4, 2018

"An Impossibly Detailed Breakdown of All the Hidden Meanings on ‘Damn.’"

"“So I was takin’ a walk the other day” on “Blood.”
- Two victims here: (1) The casual nature with which Kendrick mentions that he was taking a walk here is a shot at Jared Tallent, an Olympic gold medalist in race walking who trains incredibly hard to walk. (2) He’s also taking a shot at golden retrievers, who, in my experience, are very fond of walks and would like to go on a walk, but cannot do so on their own, at least not in the manner that Kendrick, a human with human privilege, is allowed to...

“A better way to make a wave” on “Loyalty.”
Waves are caused by gravity. It’s been that way for more than 4 billion years. Here, Kendrick is basically saying, “Fuck gravity. There’s better ways to make waves.” This is a shot at gravity...

“You overnight the big rifles” on “XXX.”
This one actually isn’t a dis. It’s a nod of respect to the United States Postal Service. It’s illegal to send handguns through the mail. You can, however, send rifles through the mail if you’re sending it to someone who has a gun license. Kendrick takes shots at lots of things, but the USPS is not one of them. He has great respect for the USPS. He follows their rules."

lol these are great.

Save this article for the next time the world is falling apart for no reason and you need some irreverence.

FB: Obviously what's happening "“Fuck your feelings” on “Feel.”

This is a shot at that little girl from Inside Out, the movie about the feelings in her head. She didn’t deserve this. She was just trying to settle into her new life."

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