"But should something that originates 100% in the feelings of a man (note: women can be "friendzoned" too, but, according to The Internet, this happens much less often) perception be attributed to a woman? Probably not. That's why, months ago, the ladies of Reddit came up with "girlfriendzoning" in the first place — it's when guys "only see a girl as a potential girlfriend and not as a friend (or a human, really, in my opinion)."
Girlfriendzoning is not when a man is interested in a woman and is disappointed when her interest is not reciprocated; that's a normal human way to respond to rejection. It's the word for the pining blame men place on women for their own unrequited feelings, or for how some men completely lose interest in women as people once it's clear she's not interested in them sexually. It's something done by a man who was never interested in anything but a sexual relationship in the first place, and tried to use faux friendship as a way to achieve sexual ends."
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