Friday, June 5, 2015

"Curt Schilling Fights Back Against Daughter’s Twitter Trolls"

"BL: Publicly congratulating your daughter on choosing a college and joining the softball team provoked a lot of exceptionally ugly and obscene responses... As you say in your blog, you are no stranger to social media. You’ve spent most of your life in locker rooms. There’s vulgarity in both spaces, of course. Looking back, do you think you could have anticipated the response to your tweet?

CS: No. No, no, no. And this is not vulgarity. These are sexual threats to a minor. There’s a difference. There’s locker room talk and then there’s criminal talk and in some cases, in some instances [it] broke the law, very clearly broke the law. And lastly, this is my daughter. This is not about people getting on me. This is not about people bullying me on the Internet. This is about my daughter. My 17-year-old daughter. There are teenage girls all over this country who have been belittled and bullied online who have killed themselves. So I’m done hearing, “That’s the way it is, that’s the world we live in.” No it’s not. We don’t have to allow it to be. You don’t have to be a celebrity, you don’t have to have money to fix this. You just have to expose these people.

BL: Some people have suggested that perhaps you should just shut down the tweets and let this nasty business die, which in the natural course of events it certainly would do. Why not do that?

CS: For me to allow people that don’t know me to dictate the things I do and say in my life, that’s absurd. That’s ridiculous. So, if we turn our heads the other way, women will stop being raped? Crimes will stop being committed? It doesn’t work that way. The world doesn’t work that way. And in this country, it doesn’t have to."

I have this idea that if chivalry needs to keep on happening, at least we can maybe shift the definition towards "Men using their male privilege to help women deal with sexism", and I think this is a good example.

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