"But it also can be deeply exhausting pretending not to give a fuck about everything -- and at times, it may prevent us from fully embracing the fucks we do need to give. The simple fact remains: to affect real change, and feel anything deeply, you probably need to give quite a few fucks.
Police gun down an unarmed black man? Give more fucks.
Your right to reproductive health care is still being questioned? Give more fucks.
You got passed over for a promotion you deserved? Give more fucks.
You feel hurt or insulted or overjoyed or loved by another human being? Feel free to Give. A. Fuck...
We might be closer to embracing "strong women," but we also want those “strong women” to have an uncanny ability to "let it go." Express messy emotion? Probably don’t. Show just how hard you try? Ditto...
So I choose to bow down to the women who give all the fucks. Shonda Rhimes. Cheryl Strayed. Janet Mock. Oprah. Lena Dunham. Laverne Cox. Mindy Kaling. Hillary Clinton gives a ton of fucks -- she wants to be president. I salute these women and all the others like them who have an unabashed willingness to care -- and show it."
me too :) Ladies who openly care.
Related: Cool Girls
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