"Aversive racism is the conflict that Whites experience between their denial of personal prejudice and their underlying unconscious negative feelings towards and about Blacks. What that means is that even the most liberal and progressive Whites, who explicitly denounce racism, still hold and act upon negative stereotypes and biases against Blacks.
Dovidio and Gaertner argue that it is the existence of both almost unavoidable racial biases and conscious adherence to nondiscriminatory principles that forms the basis of the ambivalence that aversive racists experience...
These unconscious biases not only explain the inconsistency between how Whites perceive themselves and how they actually behave, but also how Blacks perceive their interactions with Whites. One study’s findings showed that when Whites explicitly stated they were non-prejudice, if they held high anti-Black unconscious biases (as measured by the Harvard’s Implicit Association Task), the Blacks who interacted with them found the interaction to be unfriendly and unsatisfying, even if Whites felt it was a friendly interaction."
Related: Ironic effects of anti-prejudice messages; other studies about ambiguous racism vs. not ambiguous having different impacts
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