“How Porn Stars Saved Hollywood”
"Imagining people--as human, as real--is the big thing here. The Standards Committee would never say its job is to judge whether we are human or not, but it is.
If something on the internet tells you its definitely worth upgrading to an iPhone 6, you first find out if it's human or not. If it's not human, you'll probably feel comfortable ignoring it--it's its job to tell you that. Porn stars are used to being treated like they might not be human in this sense--there is no opinion a porn person can express that is so ordinary or so obscure that someone won't accuse it of being part of a brand management scheme while sending you a picture of their dick. And if you don't like that its because you just want attention...
In these battles to be seen as real and sentient respectively we have two advantages: porn stars can't act, and a fuckton of them have advanced degrees. The ones who studied law, medicine or public health go first which, in itself, might be communicating something the committee didn't know: these are people who had other options. And then there's the constant hugging and crying, which everybody knows robots don't do."
This was just so beautifully written, and also gets at so many topics - the piece on how the definition of "adult film" in this legislation actually includes most movies!
**post before November, tag to the proposition if there is one
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