"The facilities in Tucson and Marianna have special housing units for sex offenders, and others, like FCI Forrest City, have informally become safe havens, which suggests the BOP has learned to house sex criminals with caution.
"I think the Bureau is tired of paying for all of the hospital bills and perhaps lawsuits over them getting smashed everywhere they go, so they have whole prisons of them," Tim says...
Another penitentiary veteran we'll call Judge agrees. "The dude is going to go to a low or an FCI, and they aren't about shit down there," he says. "With any luck, he'll go to a place where they'll extort the shit out of him before they kick his face off. If he came to the pen... It'd be a wrap, he wouldn't have time to even put his bedroll down, because he'd be the prize—someone you'd get famous off of for smashing out."...
I personally had plenty of conversations with sex offenders informing them of the rules when they arrived in prison, and most of them didn't want any trouble. They just wanted to do their time and maybe play some Dungeons and Dragons. Prison is what you make it, and if you stay quiet, blend in, and don't make any waves, even a convicted sex offender can do time relatively peacefully in the feds."
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