"In layman’s terms, it’s a theory that suggests that over time, people begin to believe that the television universe reflects real life. Essentially, people who watch lots of TV begin to see the social reality of fiction as an accurate account of real life...
If women of colour are always being portrayed as the supportive best friend to the white female lead; if the Arab guy is always a terrorist; if the Latina woman is always a maid, then is it really so surprising then that women of colour aren’t being offered leading roles? That Kelly Osbourne thinks the sum total of the Latina contribution to the workforce of the United States is housekeeping? That an inquisitive little boy with brown skin and a Muslim name would be accused of building a bomb? It’s why I get so annoyed when people say that pop culture doesn’t matter...
So when people are upset that Lena Dunham’s Girls is so white, it’s not because we just felt like picking on a random White girl for shits and giggles. It’s because she is a White woman who is actively erasing people of colour from their own reality with a show set in a city that is currently being aggressively gentrified."
Fb: "I truly believe that pop culture is the truest reflection of the politics of any given time period in a society. It encapsulates what we tolerate socially, what we accept and what we celebrate. So when people of colour, LGBTQ people, disabled people and neurodiverse people are erased from the world that most of us eventually come to see as real, it validates negative attitudes about those people, and it normalizes mistreatment against us."
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