Sunday, May 31, 2015

"How to save Star Trek: Make it the True Detective of science fiction"

"The anthological miniseries has found a way around one of TV's most persistent problems. Yes, a show can tell a compelling story, but if its a success, then it could also run forever. That inhibits attempts to tell incisive, to-the-point stories across many years.
All stories need endings, but if writers never know when that ending will come, it's much harder to build effectively to said ending. This has always been American television's Achilles heel. Even TV's best shows have flab here and there, episodes that could have been trimmed or even cut entirely.
The anthological miniseries gets around this by allowing a show to become more of a formatthan a constant. True Detective isn't about following the same characters through the same wacky adventures, year after year. It's about establishing a vibe, then staying true to that vibe. Each season can tell a big, bold story, and then the next season can become even bigger and bolder."


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