Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"How Netflix Broke The Unbreakable Spoiler Alert"

"This, I propose, is what Netflix, Amazon, and HBO should do. They need to bring back the schedule, updated to modern lives. That schedule should be:

Every day, a new episode is released,
always at the same time, and blind to time zones.

Imagine if House of Cards had played out over two weeks, like a mini-series. Today, we would be finishing up the 13-day marathon from when the show first dropped:

Marathon — such a better metaphor than our current term, binge.

Can you imagine? The conversation around this viewing window would be massive, almost unbearable. Fans would feel compelled to catch up every night, so as to be involved in tomorrow’s discussion. And if you missed a day or two, catching up would be painless."

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