Sunday, March 8, 2015

"Facebook Introduces New Tools to Help Prevent Suicide"

"Starting in the next few months, a post indicating suicidal or harmful thoughts can be flagged by a friend as such, at which point Facebook will be alerted — after advising the flagger to call emergency services if deemed necessary...The troubled poster will then receive a message from Facebook saying that someone was concerned about them, and providing options for talking with a friend or mental health expert at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline."

I like this because it is easy for the friend of the person in trouble - and because it is soft touch with the person in trouble. I was talking to someone who was initiating a startup that would use these online tests to rate college students' mental health (based on psych research of performance-based evidence of depression and anxiety and suicidality) - which is cool, but they were marketing it as 'colleges should buy our product, require that all students take the test, and then automatically report students who are above some certain 'risk' threshold to psychological services'. It's been shown a lot that it's hugely damaging to take away someone's sense of agency, that it exacerbates existing mental health problems, and it also seems grossly intrusive and disrespectful.
So, giving someone a hand, and not presuming to know what they need, is a really cool thing Facebook.

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