"Professionalism is a funny term, because it masquerades as neutral despite being loaded with immense oppression. As a concept, professionalism is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, classist, imperialist and so much more -- and yet people act like professionalism is non-political... As transgender, genderqueer and gender non-conforming people, we deserve better. We deserve to have our work ethic and intellect respected regardless of how we choose to express our gender identities. We deserve to be able to wear clothing and behave in ways that affirm our gender. We deserve to be treated fairly in the workplace."
Yes. Yes yes yes. Professionalism means, as much as possible, be a straight, cis-gendered, white man with a sort of Northeast cultural bent. Have enough money and knowledge to buy the right suits, ties, and shoes. Be available to the judgments of the more "professional" people around you. Have a set of neutral conversation topics that are relatable to the other Professionals, can be believably chuckled at without threatening anyone or involving too much thought. Never, ever, ever make anyone uncomfortable/happen to have an identity that makes others uncomfortable.
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