Monday, December 22, 2014

"I Can’t Breathe, Either"

"We can debate cause and effect, but the facts allow for minimal wiggle room: our most downtrodden communities are entrenched in a cycle of social dysfunction; our police employ brutal and sometimes deadly tactics in their interactions with these communities; and within the debate about who and what is right or wrong, the most significant aspect of the discussion is — as usual — absent. Our culture inspires and subsequently neglects serious mental illness in too many of its citizens.We can no longer afford to perpetuate this problem by stubbornly refusing to address it...Officers like Darren Wilson are humans; susceptible to the same stresses, fears, and other mental issues as any of us. Given the combination of their fallibility and the dangers of their jobs, it’s unfathomable that we still lack universal policies on psychological evaluations for police officers. It says something frightening about our culture that we’d rather increase the scope and sophistication of police weaponry than take steps that ensure the health of both police and those they serve."

This is the best and most useful and wise thing I have read in a while, I want this guy to run for President. Can we please, please absorb these links between mental health and systemic violence and prejudice? 
Related: Depression makes people more prejudiced.

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