Sunday, September 15, 2019


"The challenge with a Mediterranean diet is that it calls for high-quality and expensive foods — such as wild-caught fish and extra virgin olive oil — making it difficult for a low-income family to follow, says Jackie Arnett Elnahar, a registered dietitian based in the New York City area and CEO and co-founder of TelaDietitian. For example, whole grain bread is pricier than white bread and wild-caught salmon from Alaska is more expensive than farm-raised salmon from China, which is more likely to contain fish coloring and pollutants, she says. And low-income families are less likely to spend extra money on organic produce or try a new fruit or vegetable, she notes.

Similarly, the study found that a €2 bottle of extra virgin olive oil is unlikely to have the same nutritional properties as a €10 bottle. The hypothesis: “Differences in the price may yield differences in healthy components and future health outcomes,” Bonaccio said."

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