Friday, August 30, 2019

"OB/GYNs don’t learn the nerves and vasculature of the clitoris."

"It is notable that detailed illustrations of clitoral neurovascular anatomy were published by Kobelt in 1844. They are still arguably the best, most detailed illustrations to date, though in my own dissection so far, the dorsal nerve is far bigger relative to the size of the body. No modern illustrations have attempted to show the course of nerves and vasculature close up or from multiple angles.

These began to circulate in 19th century gynecology textbooks. However, within a few years, many English physicians would begin to claim the clitoris was useless and should be excised as a cure for hysteria. In 1884, it was established that the clitoris played no role in conception, reducing it’s perceived medical relevance. The final blow was dealt by Freud, who insisted that normal adult orgasms are vaginal.

Over the years I’ve been told I’m crazy for caring about this. People have told me I can’t do anything about it and should just move on. But can someone please envision a world where penile neurovascular anatomy is ignored in textbooks, and where urologists do surgeries without ever learning the nerves and vasculature of the penis? It should not be difficult to understand there is a problem."

FB: "As a urologist, I know from personal experience that the gynecology journals are generally not that interested in female genital anatomy, or don’t believe that there’s anything new to be learned, so most of my research is published in other types of journals. Gynecology textbooks generally get their information from gynecology journals, and then gynecology textbooks get used in medical schools. "

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