"Professors who teach contrived versions of history by saying that the Civil War was about states’ rights and not slavery or white supremacy are not diverse thinkers. They are either liars or uneducated on the facts, either off which renders them unqualified to serve as a teacher of the subject.
The same goes for anyone who, like Shapiro, claims that homosexuality is a mental illness....
When Damore said that Google should “stop restricting programs and classes to certain genders or races” because it is “unfair and divisive,” his premise conveniently leaves out the fact that Google’s workforce is 2 percent black, 4 percent Hispanic and 31 percent female...
In their contrived version of reality, they’re discriminated against—not because they are unqualified propagandists who either misunderstand or misconstrue the facts, but because they are victims of the liberal agenda. They don’t view their racism, sexism and homophobia as wrong because they “diversify thought” by playing the role of an intellectual devil’s advocate."
FB: "Like most conservatives and libertarians (who are essentially conservatives with beards), diversity of thought is the only kind of diversity for which Damore and his ilk are willing to advocate."
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