"Such childlike debauchery is all part of the fun. Hash names are the best example of that. When virgins start out, they’re known only by their first names, with a “just” placed in front: Just Jill, Just Tony, Just Mark. When they are deemed worthy of a hash name, after they’ve participated in a certain number of hashes, the moniker is inspired by a probing Q&A in front of the entire group. Nothing is off limits.
The stories behind such names as Hot Tub Slime Machine, Tragic Carpet Ride and Close Your Eyes and Hope for the Breast are not discussed with outsiders (and they’re likely unsuitable for publication anyway).
Once a hash name is given, legal names are never used again. Hashers are their hash name, and the sharing of personal information — place of employment, especially — need never happen again...
Heading north again, the group spotted “BN” written in chalk.
“Beer near!”
The stop was a parking lot, where coolers of water and frothy refreshment foreshadowed what was to come. There were still 10 minutes to run, and the hares who laid the path were already setting up an area for the final round of singing and drinking.
The hares covered a plastic folding table with the necessary post-run goods: Pringles, Pop-Tarts, Wheat Thins, spray cheese and Cheetos. Cheetos are a favorite of Just Miles, who has been to many hashes and is still without a hash name, because he is a dog."
Sometimes I miss DC
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