Thursday, January 11, 2018

"Neurometabolic Disorders Could Contribute to Depression"

"Characterizing depression in broad strokes is almost impossible, cautions David Brent, a former advisor to Pan and coauthor on the study. “There are a lot of people who look the same that probably have very different causes” of depression. Other psychological conditions, including PTSD and anxiety, frequently coincide with and complicate the disorder. “We’re really just at the beginning of extricating” these interacting factors, Pan says, and at this stage, developing solutions that can be standardized for treating many people is difficult.

Even so, Finegold notes that preliminary studies like this one have a way of offering hope to people who have not found a successful depression treatment. He, too, receives phone calls from people living with depression, and some express their gratitude simply to know that new aspects of the problem are being explored."

Metabolism is becoming an explanation for so many things happening in the brain

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