"His backers will point to Sanders winning the youngest overall cohort of people of color, but his turnout rate with this demographic was so poor that it was ultimately irrelevant. The far left uses Clinton’s turnout rates in the general as evidence of her being a “poor” candidate. Why are Bernie’s horrible turnout rates among young people of color not used as evidence of him being a poor candidate that couldn’t connect with Black and Brown voters?...
Black people can see this, they aren’t stupid. They see that the political fringe on the left and most of the right hates Obama for some of the same reasons. So when the far left comes out and says that the first Black President should be held to a different standard than Presidents before him — that he doesn’t deserve to get paid for his post-Presidential work or shouldn’t be compensated — the Black community feels that one of its largest symbols of success is under attack from an overwhelmingly white political movement...
Without Black and Brown voters, the far left is dooming itself to remain a fringe sect of the Democratic Party. They can never achieve the majority they need to enact the changes they want without massive support from people of color. But right now, it doesn’t seem like they are making any effort to reach out to people of color or come into their communities and hear about racial issues."
FB: "We hear a lot about Clinton not campaigning in Wisconsin, but pretty much nothing about Sanders abandoning the south during the primary."
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