Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"The UX Secret That Will Ruin Apps For You"

"Facebook actually slows down its interface to make users feel safe, a Facebook spokesperson confirmed in an email. "While our systems perform these checks at a much faster speed than people can actually see, it's important that they understand what we do behind the scenes to protect their Facebook account," the spokesperson wrote. "UX can be a powerful education tool and walking people through this process at a slower speed allows us to provide a better explanation and an opportunity for people to review and understand each step along the way."... 

Wells Fargo admitted to slowing down its app's retinal scanners, because customers didn't realize they worked otherwise, while various services on the web including travel sites, mortgage engines, and security checks are all making a conscious effort to slow down their omnipotent minds because our puny human brains expect things to take longer... 

Our expectations have supreme power to shape our experience of the world, including how we interact with our gadgets. "If we break customers’ expectations, the interface stops working," says Kowitz. "That can happen if the Internet is moving too slowly. And in some cases, it can actually happen if the interface is moving too fast."

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