Monday, January 9, 2017

"Jessica Chastain Pens Essay From Female-Helmed Movie Set: No One Feels "Left Out or Bullied""

"Usually on a movie it would be me and maybe two or three other women, even though there are 100 people there. It's crazy. I loved making the movie Lawless — it was a very masculine story about three brothers — but when Mia Wasikowska showed up on the set, I ran into her trailer and yelled, "It's a girl!" I was so happy...

When you have both genders represented, then you have a healthier point of view. The energy is great, you all are working together as a community, and everyone is participating in the exchange of ideas. You don't feel a hierarchy; you don't have anyone feeling like they are being left out or bullied or humiliated. Sometimes being the only girl on a set, you can feel like a sexual object.

I was talking to other actors about this recently, and the wonderful thing about having so many women on set is there hasn't been anyone who has screamed or anything like that. It's a very collaborative experience, and it's been heaven for me. We all hang out all the time — there are no strange power plays or egos. We know how rare making this kind of film is. We're giddy with happiness...

I'm about to go work with John Madden again, whom I absolutely love. There are so many men out there who are the most sensitive, beautiful and supportive people ever. But I've been on sets a couple of times where I've noticed that if I have an idea about a scene, I have to go through the male actors to be heard. It's really annoying. The male actor will have a better relationship with the male director, so I have to get the actor on my side. That's the only thing that sometimes feels very icky."

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