Thursday, September 8, 2016

"An African Spiritual Art Form Caught In Time-Lapse"

"the project looks to tackle a number of questions about African spirituality, such as “Why the idea of African spirituality is generally characterized as other or evil, when Greek or Roman mythology is not portrayed in the same light? Why is African spirituality still seen as primitive and backwards, and how could we make a film that reverses these stigmas and shows the relevance of African spirituality in the present day and even into the future?"...

The ritual of painting one’s ‘ori’ on them is a deeply spiritual ceremony between the artist and the canvas which is a person. It really doesn’t get much deeper than that. It’s the most powerful spiritual experience between both parties. Ori in Yoruba literally means head but is so much more than that. It also refers, in the spiritual sense to one’s intuition, destiny (ayanmo), essence, and their consciousness that’s part of them, and is also an Orisha unto it’s own, meaning that the person is a God or Goddess them self. It is one of the most powerful parts of the Yoruba faith. In the Western world you would describe it as your soul + destiny + essence and more = Ori. It’s as deep as it gets."

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