"Almost irrespective of what you think of Clinton's politics or her policies, she is manifestly more prepared to run the federal government than Donald Trump.
The number of people who recognize this elemental fact about the election, however, has probably already reached and passed its peak. It will decline from here on out. The moment of clarity is already ending...
Among all these classes of professionals, all these institutions, that whole superstructure of US politics built around two balanced sides, there will be a tidal pull to normalize this election, to make it Coca-Cola versus Pepsi instead of Coca-Cola versus sewer water...
"Donald Trump is not fit to be president" may be the accurate answer to pretty much every relevant question about the race, but it's not an interesting answer. It's too final, too settled. No one wants to click on it...
In short order, Trump's obvious unfitness for office — today widely acknowledged across both parties and in the mainstream media — will become a partisan observation... Going after Clinton will be journalists' default strategy for proving that they're not biased.
Ughhh. But, ya.
It's sometimes so hard to remember how absurd something is once it becomes reality. It's that cognitive dissonance, it's so much less exhausting if we just let ourselves pretend that the stuff happening around us is normal.
Let's try to keep our brains rumbling until November. I think the major thing right now, the major way to oppose Trump, is to just keep remembering how surreal this is.
FB: good point - - we all need to work to avoid the mass delusion "the US political ecosystem — media, consultants, power brokers, think tanks, foundations, officeholders, the whole thick network of institutions and individuals involved in national politics — cannot deal with a presidential election in which one candidate is obviously and uncontroversially the superior (if not sole acceptable) choice. The machine is simply not built to handle a race that's over before it's begun."
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