“Women will volunteer to lead a group, Kanthak said, but are less likely than men to go through an actual competition or election to do so.
"We wanted to control the incentives potential candidates face and place men and women with similar qualifications, ambitions, and political environments alongside one another and see if they still made the same decisions to put themselves out there as a candidate. We wanted to level the playing field, and we were able to do that by taking our questions into a lab environment," Kanthak said.
"We also found that election aversion persists with variations in the electoral environment, disappearing only when campaigns are both costless and completely truthful."”
Makes me think about the costs and benefits of trying something, where costs/benefits can exist from the process and also the outcome (success vs. failure) and where even if the likelihood of success and failure are the same for all groups, some social groups are going to experience different cost:benefit ratios. It’s stereotype threat, and it’s also the explicit external threats that cert
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