"In 2011, residents of Macon, Georgia received over $65,000 in free local currency—with a catch.
This sounds super cool! I haven't actually watched the video, but I really want to know how this all turned out.
This money was locked in bonds redeemable for an unknown value between $10 and $100. Prior to circulation, each bond was cut in half. Residents of Macon wishing to “cash” their bonds were required to first find the missing half, held by an unknown community member.
These were the rules for Macon Money, a serious game created by Benjamin Stokes and colleagues with support from the Knight Foundation...
the two halves of each bond were intentionally distributed in neighborhoods on opposite ends of Macon, or in neighborhoods characterized by different socio-economic status. This “game mechanic” forced residents who would not normally interact to collaborate towards a common goal."
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